Udemy - The Complete Cyber ​​Security Course: End Point Protection! 2017- 18

Udemy - The Complete Cyber ​​Security Course: End Point Protection! 2017- 18

Udemy - The Complete Cyber ​​Security Course: https://www.nkworld4u.com/ End Point Protection! 2017- 18

The Complete Cyber ​​Security Course End Point Protection is a collection of video tutorials on networking and security in the cybersecurity category and on End Point Protection. This course, which is considered to be the fourth round of cyber security training, is targeting an advanced level of issues. According to the publisher of this tutorial, you will become a cyber security expert by completing this course and at the end of the course. You will also be familiar with the antivirus and Trojan in this tutorial. On the other hand, you'll learn cryptography on disk. Finally, you will also be able to locate and remove hackers and malware.

In this training course, you have been taught to teach you practical skills. By doing so, you will become a cyber expert by learning hands-on skills. You will also learn the latest and the latest information and methods by viewing this video tutorial.

Features of The Complete Cyber ​​Security Course End Point Protection

You will learn the latest and most advanced cybersecurity skills in advanced courses by visiting the students. Dear Students, You will see 176 video tutorial sessions for you to complete this course.

Course specifications:

Publisher: Udemy
Teacher: Nathan House
Level: Advanced
Duration: 16:37:02
Number of lessons: 176 lessons
English language

The Complete Cyber ​​Security Course End Point Protection

Headlines of this course:


6 lectures 

Goals and Learning Objectives - Volume 4

2 lectures 

File and Disk Encryption

22 lectures 

Anti-Virus and End-Point-Protection

14 lectures at 

Next Generation - Anti-Virus, End-Point-Protection, Detection & Response (EDR)

4 lectures 

End-Point-Protection Technology

26 lectures 

Threat Detection and Monitoring

16 lectures 

Malware and Hacker Hunting on the End-Point

30 lectures 

Operating System and Application Hardening

11 lectures 

Secure Deleting, Evidence Elimination and Anti-Forensics

12 lectures 

Email Security, Privacy and Anonymity

17 lectures 

Messengers - Security, Privacy and Anonymity

10 lectures 

Wrap Up

5 lectures 

BONUS Section

1 lecture 


A basic understanding of using operating systems, networks, and the Internet. Be able to download and install software. A willingness to learn.

I recommend watching volumes 1, 2 and 3 of this complete course before watching this volume 4 although it is not required.

You can take this volume as a stand-alone course.

Please note this is Volume 4 of 4 of the complete course. After the completion of all 4 volumes, you will know more than 80% of security professionals, government and law enforcement agents and even expert hackers about maintaining security, privacy, and anonymity.

Udemy - The Complete Cyber ​​Security Course: https://www.nkworld4u.com/ End Point Protection! 2017- 18

Installation guide
After Extract, see your favorite player.

This tutorial has English subtitles.


Udemy - The Complete Cyber ​​Security Course: End Point Protection! 2017- 18

Download section 1 - 1 GB > uploadocean

Download section 2 - 1 GB > 

Download section 3 - 770 MB >  uploadocean

[NOTE:] : How to Join/Merge .rar part in a single file:

1. Download All above .rar files in a Single folder.
2. Now Extract Only Part 1 file with Winrar.

Narendra Sharma

Narendra is a Young Entrepreneur Blogger having Good Technical skills, He also an Experienced Article Writer. He likes to Share Knowledge and Experience with People.


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